Primary Inclusion Team
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Wellbeing Return to Education – Training Programme for Schools and Col

Posted on Wednesday 18th November 2020

Wellbeing for Education Return is a nationally developed training and resources programme that has been locally adapted to support the wellbeing of teachers and their pupils in response to the pandemic, with the Educational Psychology Service leading this programme locally in consultation with other providers.

The training is intended to support education staff to promote children and young people, teachers and parents and carers' mental wellbeing and resilience and aid mental health recovery. The session will provide staff with the confidence to support pupils, and know how and where to access specialist support where needed. The training will be delivered in two 90-minute webinars and there are a range of dates available online.

 Webinar 1: the first sessions covers whole school and college approaches to wellbeing and recovery. This is an evidence based session to ensure settings have the building blocks in place to support recovery and build resilience across the school or college community.
Webinar 2: The second session covers issues that are likely to be prevalent in schools and colleges among staff and pupils bereavement, anxiety, low mood and trauma. It supports staff to understand what they can be doing within school or college about those issues and what support might be available locally.

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