CPD & Training Courses
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CPD & Training Courses

We provide a wide range of continuous professional development (CPD) and Social Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) training sessions throughout the year for your school staff. We can also provide bespoke staff meetings, Twilight sessions and Inset days on request.

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Current CPD Training


Online Training

Title: Planning an Effective Transition to High School (Primary and Secondary)

This course for those secondary and primary practitioners that attended our previous course. It is designed to bring together professionals from different settings and key stages to collaborate, discuss, share and develop best practice for transition within Salford in order to improve transition outcomes for vulnerable children.

As part of the PIT transition project, this course is offered free of charge.

Time: 1330
Suitable for: SENDCO's, Y6 and Y7 Transition Leads
Cost: FREEBook Now >